I spent the semesters of my Master’s degree working on different topics at the ISF at TUBS.
e4CompareFramework frontend: The project explorer of the Eclipse / Java e4CompareFramework has been migrated from SWT to JavaFX.
Evaluation of variablilty- and taxonomy mining: Using Xtend code clone analysis tools were automatically evaluated against a ground truth generated by the e4CompareFramework clone generator.
An Architecture Information Query Language for the Digital Architecture Twin (Thesis): In my thesis, I developed an Architecture Information Query Language (AIQL) that allows users to query the Digital Architecture Twin (DArT) for such stakeholder-tailored architecture information using the Xtext language workbench and the Epsilon Object Language (EOL). The results have been published in a paper (Ammermann et al., 2023).
A Query Language for Software Architecture Information
Joshua Ammermann, Sven Jordan, Lukas Linsbauer, and 1 more author
In Software Architecture - 17th European Conference, ECSA 2023, Istanbul, Turkey, September 18-22, 2023, Proceedings, 2023